"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
Garima is the founder of Anahadnaad Wellness. She is a trauma informed systemic coach operating with a simple vision - to heal everything that she touches.
She is trained and certified in modalities like Yoga (350H), Transpersonal Regression Therapy, Advanced Inner Child Work, Advanced Family & Systemic Constellations and Inherited Family Trauma Resolution, Business Constellations, Craniosacral Therapy, Advance Emotional Freedom Technique, Neurolinguistic Programming etc.
Having assisted organising India’s leading and most sort after training programs with Dr Gaurav Deka, founder of Cognial Healers Academy for more 3 years, she individuated in time with gratitude to embark her own personal journey as a facilitator and a learner.
Combining the wisdom and her personal spiritual experience, she invented
The Restfulness Method© with Touch, Rhythm and Space as the 3 foundational pillars of the method.
Using this signature method of hers she has been able to bring complex and seemingly impossible cases (like Cancer, Bipolar. Disorder, Epilepsy, Scoliosis, Vitiligo, Sexual Abuse, Addiction, Depression, Chronic Anxiety, Varied Career, Business & Money issues, Relationship Challenges, Property & real estate blocks etc) to a harmonious resolution.
With the core belief of Begin Within, she conducts 1:1 healing and coaching sessions respectively where she approaches each physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issue from the lens of systemic approach. According to this approach no issue is individual in nature but shared with the system that one is coming from. By using the core language approach, she reaches to the core of the posing problem that the client has walked in with. Once the core is resolved, all the related symptoms dissolve away.
Her group initiative of Passion for Expansion is separate safe space for a limited closed group where she works with not more than 5 adults at a time addressing their childhood and intergenerational trauma using the modality of family constellation, shadow work and inner child healing.
Garima strongly believes that Intuition is the highest form of intelligence and her goal is to help her clients to use it in their business and personal lives for day to day challenges.
Her vision is create a community of highly intuitive, self-empowered and compassionate individuals.
She was recognised by Business World Wellness (India) at the 40 under 40 forum for the year 2022.
She has recently been recognised with The Mental Health Leadership Award 2024 by the World HRD Congress.
Also she is an active member of a Germany based, global professional family constellation society called Constellators International.
Her work and practice is heavily inspired by her spiritual master -
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar and German psychotherapist and founder of family constellation Bert Hellinger.